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Psychische Gesundheit

Kulparkov 2022 - Clinical Exchange of Expertise and Assistance in Decentralisation

Psychische Gesundheit
Partnerorganisation im Partnerland
Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital
Mr Dr. Yurij Zakal
Partnerorganisation in Deutschland
LVR-Klinik Langenfeld
Ms Tina Zara Hafner
Bis zu 58052 Euro
Gefördert durch
The goal of the follow-on project between the LVR-Klinik Langenfeld and the Lviv Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital is to support the provision of psychiatric care close to patients’ homes by driving forward the decentralisation of the Kulparkov Clinic with the help of consultations.

Psychiatric care in the Lviv Oblast is currently provided by the Kulparkov Clinic in the city of Lviv. Since the hospital is very overcrowded, the clinic is to be decentralised by setting up branches in rural areas in order to ensure comprehensive care for mentally ill people. In order for this to happen, the managers of the clinic must be able to use suitable management tools to control the decentralisation process.

-\tArranging temporary work placements for staff from the Kulparkov Clinic and the decentralised locations
-\tAdvising managers at the Kulparkov Clinic and in the local government
-\tProviding training to managers at the Kulparkov Clinic

The project aims to support the decentralisation of the major hospital in Lviv so as to be able to provide local psychiatric care to mentally ill patients in the Lviv Oblast.
The transfer of organisational and treatment-related expertise aims to optimise treatment at the branches and the main clinic in the long term.

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