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Communicable diseases

Capacity building in Medical Microbiology, Sierra Leone

Communicable diseases
Pays partenaire
Sierra Leone
Organisation partenaire dans le pays partenaire
Masanga Hospital
Mr MD Jan Henk Dubbink
Organisation partenaire en Allemagne
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Mr Prof. Dr. med. Frieder Schaumburg
Durée du projet
Montant du financement
Jusqu'à 1804021 euros
Fondé par
The partnership between the Institute for Microbiology at the University of Münster, in cooperation with the Institute for Tropical Medicine at the University of Tübingen, and the Masanga Hospital, Sierra Leone, is to enhance preparations for infectious disease outbreaks.
Problem: Infectious diseases are among the most widespread diseases in Sierra Leone. The Ebola epidemic in West Africa between 2014 and 2016 revealed the low standard of health care offered in health facilities in general and in microbiology laboratories in particular. The level of equipment in microbiology laboratories across the country is not geared to any new pandemics, resulting for instance from antimicrobial resistance.
Main activities: Within the framework of the partnership, equipment is procured for microbiology laboratories. As an introduction to laboratory techniques and to handling the equipment, further training will be offered for local medical staff. There will also be exchanges between the staff of Masanga Hospital and the German partners, as well as with another hospital in Gabon.
Short-term results: The management of patients with infectious diseases at Masanga Hospital can be improved.
Long-term results: Antimicrobial resistances are to be reduced and treatment with antibiotics prescribed on a more efficient basis to achieve a better outcome when infections are treated.

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